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Our Courses

Razum is proud to offer full-time courses for primary-age students (ages 5 to 12) based on the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and the world-renowned Singapore Maths and English curricula. This unique curriculum mix allows students to master their skills and knowledge while becoming lifelong learners with an open mindset.

Our teaching program is designed to be hands-on, enquiry-based, engaging and relevant to international students. It is expertly crafted by our team so that it can be delivered within a four-hour school day, over the course of ten months, from August to June. The maximum student-to-teacher ratio in our school is 18 to 1

Full-time courses for students age 5-12

Course Level          Age of students*

Year 1                 5 years old

Year 2                 6 years old

Year 3                 7 years old

Year 4                 8 years old

Year 5                 9 years old

Year 6                 10 years old


*at the beginning of the Academic year  

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Click here to find out our fees

Course Objectives

Razum International School offers full-time courses for primary-age students. Its objective is to equip foreign students with knowledge of IPC, Maths and English.  


At Razum, we value student-centered, hands-on, enquiry-based learning. Our engaging curriculum creates an opportunity for students to master their skills and knowledge while becoming lifelong learners with an open mindset.

Information about Courses

How we Conduct Assessments for Each Course

At Razum International School, we conduct regular assessments of educational development. At the beginning of each term, phonics and reading assessments are performed. Throughout the term, we conduct regular formative and summative assessments to determine where the child is at and to monitor their progress over time. This helps to facilitate the teachers' planning and ensure we have catered for individual needs of students.

Two reports a year are provided to the School's students: 


  • At the end of Term 2 - Mid December


  • At the end of Term 4 - Mid June 

These reports cover all learning areas and provide comprehensive comments about the progress and efforts of each student.

Additionally, there is a Parent-Teacher Conference at the end of Term 1 in each academic year.

A Student-Led Learning Journey is conducted at the end of Term 3 in each academic year. The parents are given a chance to come onsite and become students and the children to become their teachers. It is a wonderful chance for parents to immerse in the classroom environment and find out how children learn in the school, and for children to enhance their own learning through the art of teaching others. 

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